Transmisora Eléctrica del Norte
Transmisora Eléctrica del Norte S.A: (TEN) is the company operating the 500 kV power transmission line that spans approximately 1,200 kilometres and connects Mejillones (Antofagasta) to Copiapó. This transmission line will link the Norte Grande (SING) and Central (SIC) electricity systems in Chile.
The project involves the installation of approximately 1,355 towers and the construction of 2 terminal substations located in the municipality of Mejillones and Copiapó, a transformation substation in Mejillones (Changos sector) and a compensating substation.
The ownership structure is divided equally between ENGIE Energía Chile, a subsidiary of the ENGIE group, and Red Eléctrica Chile SPA, a subsidiary of Redinter.

For detailed information about the project, please visit the TEN website
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