Social Management
Construction of the Museum Interpretation Room in Cuya
Cuya, municipality of Camarones in the Arica and Parinacota Region.
To preserve and promote the Chinchorro culture and its mummies, which have been recognized as "Cultural Heritage of Humanity”.
Redinter in Chile has been appointed cultural ambassador for its contribution to the construction of the museum room.

Improvement of the A-157 Access Road to Las Llosyas
An agreement has been signed with the Regional Directorate of Viability of the Arica and Parinacota Region for the improvement and paving of the road, covering a distance of approximately 7 km.
Over 300 inhabitants of the town as well as all users of the route, which connects various towns within the region.

Reconstruction of the cultural and natural tourist circuit in the Azapa Valley and installation of a tourist viewpoint at the Tiliviche ravine geoglyphs
An agreement has been signed with the University of Tarapacá – Arica.
To promote the cultural heritage of northern Chile
- Replacement of 15 interpretive panels.
- Installation of 4 tourist viewpoints at significant heritage sites, such as the Tiliviche Geoglyphs.
- Training of tour guides in the region.
- Workshops conducted with the communities involved in the valley.

Research conducted with the Wildlife Observers Network
Collaboration with the Chilean Observers Network (ROC).
Characterization of the reproductive biology of the species in the colonies in the northernmost part of Chile.
This initiative is part of the Group’s Biodiversity commitments:
“Objective 2030,” No. 8: To generate a positive net impact on the natural capital in the areas surrounding our facilities.